My Story
Hi friends! Thank you. I hope you enjoyed Sathi and Zakiy’s adventures in her quest to find the truth of what happened to her mother.
When I wrote Wolves Within I was a student. I lived in London, but was born and brought up for about half of my childhood in Kerala, India. Apart from some scribbled short stories at a young age, I never wrote a line more than I had to - the idea of writing fiction was no more than a half-formed thought lounging somewhere at the back of my mind, a remote possibility for the (very) distant future. When I at last began to give it some serious thought, I encountered a severe problem: I didn’t have a story to write about. As I could see no way around this rather discouraging issue, I packed up my rudimentary notes on novel-writing and almost forgot about it. Almost. No one was more surprised than me when, some six months later (on New Year’s Day, 2013, in fact), I found myself abruptly, furiously, obsessively penning Sathi’s story to life. And thus Wolves Within was born.
Currently I’m living a rather harried life in Rome, studying to be a doctor. Although my first draft of Doves in Flight was penned 3 years ago, I’ve only now had a breather to edit and publish it. I hope you enjoy it as much as you did Wolves Within! Stay tuned, as the third and final volume of the Prism of Truth trilogy is on its way!